About Us

मानुषं  स्वाध्यायप्रवचने 

“Studying and teaching of Vedas for the benefit of the human society”

Vedic and Cultural Centre of Australia is a not-for-profit establishment that facilitates preserving and promoting Vedic traditions, Vedic Culture and Sanskrit language for the current and future generations of Australia.  VCCA, launched in 2012 to establish a facility on its own, are currently organizing several weekly classes and annual events.   The classes include Vishnu Sahasranaama, Lalitha Sahasranaama, Soundarya Lahari, Abirami Andadi, Vedic chanting & Sanskrit.  Annual events include Lalitha Sahasranaama Lakshaachana, Vishnu Sahasranaama Lakshaarchana, Ekadasha Rudram, Mahaa Rudram, Adi Sankara Jayanthi and participation in temple annual functions.  For more details, send a request to info@vcca.net.au